Audio Guestbooks for Every Occasion

From birthdays to engagements, to baby showers or corporate events - we are confident that no matter what the event, we have an audio guestbook to match your vibe. Check out our range below!

Vintage Audio Guestbooks

Rent for $550
PMG 162 Black
Rent for $550
PMG 300 Black
Rent for $530
PMG 400 Ivory
Rent for $550

retro Audio Guestbooks

Retro Red Rotary Dial Audio Guestbook
Rent for $400
Cheap Blue Retro Rotary Dial Audio Guestbook
Deep Blue
Rent for $400
Retro Beige Rotary Dial Audio Guestbook
Rent for $400
Cheap Baby Blue Retro Rotary Dial Audio Guestbook
Rent for $400
Cheap Pink Retro Rotary Dial Audio Guestbook
Rent for $400
Retro Black Rotary Dial Audio Guestbook
Rent for $400

Audio Guestbook Extras

Don't see your style?

We’re constantly looking for phones to make your event pop. So if you don’t see the guestbook of your dreams or it’s not available then reach out to see what we can do!

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