audio guestbook greeting tips
get the most out of your audio guestbook
Warm Welcome:
A simple and genuine greeting, such as “Hello, you’ve reached Evie and Jasper, welcome to our special day!” sets the tone and instantly puts your guests at ease to share their heartfelt messages.
Thankful Body:
Your guests are listening! You can use this opportunity to thank them, or something like: “If you’re hearing this, you have impacted our life in a meaningful way and we are very grateful for you”. Or tell them the bar closes at 9..
Instructive Body:
Inspire your guests to leave a meaningful message. No one likes being put on the spot, so make sure you give them some ideas to work with! For example: “We would love if you can leave us a message we can listen back on for years to come. You can share a special memory you have with us, your favourite detail from our wedding, or a word of encouragement”. This will help explain the purpose of the message and add a personal touch to their voicemail.
Strong Finish:
Do you think people sound different over the phone? We do! Encourage your guests to introduce themselves and their relationship to you, and of course, to leave a message! For example, “Please leave us your name and message after the tone”. This will help the guests with the introduction to their message, and get the flow going!

This is your guestbook and only for you and your friends and family! Be yourselves, there is no right or wrong way to introduce your guestbook. Think about what you want to tell your guests or hear from them, and encourage them to tell you what you want to hear in their message.

dial 5
for extra lovin'
Use the extra prompt to get more out of your guests!
- Date night ideas to keep the honeymoon light lit.
- Quiz!! Ask a question related to your love story to see who knows you best.
- Advice for the newly-weds, who needs couples therapy when you have voicemails?
- Selective memory – ask your guests to leave their favourite memories from the night.
- Fun facts and trivia – Ask guests to share interesting and quirky facts about you or themselves.
- Fond memories – if you haven’t already in your main greeting, Ask your guests to share cherished memories they’ve had with you.
Or ask it all! Here is an example from one of our customers: “Tell us your favourite show we should watch together, your favourite album we should listen to, your favourite restaurant we should try, or any other fun date night ideas! You could also share your marriage tips or any tips for travelling. Don’t forget to leave your name!”